How Do I Get Free Traffic to My Website?

For those who have decided to make the internet their means of earning a second income or even become financially independent, the first question is usually how do I get free traffic to my website is an important one. This is because many entrepreneurs start with little to no cash when it comes to advertising. So, they have to build up web traffic the old-fashioned way.

What follows are a few tips that will help you build up the amount of traffic to your site. Keep in mind that more web traffic means bringing in more people who have a genuine interest in what you are offering.

free traffic

Do the Basics

Before you can bring people to your site, you will need to be prepared. This means doing a little housekeeping to maximize your potential success.

  • – Appropriate Use of Social Media
  • – Build Leads
  • – Easy Navigation of Your Site
  • – Good Links

In other words, check out your website to see if any links are broken, any information is out-of-date, or any content needs updating. Navigating your site should be simple as well. This means ensuring someone who wants to make a purchase can easily go through all the steps.

Once your site is in shape, the next step is setting up an email newsletter for visitors to subscribe. You should use the email to post updates and include information, discounts, and other goodies not seen on your website.

Finally, you should promote on social media by using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other appropriate sites. Using Google+ may help your site get seen on search rankings.

Write Fascinating Headlines

It’s all about the headline if you want to get people to read the content. An attractive headline invites people to read, usually by posing a question or offering an answer. When you consider that editors at newspapers and blogs will often consider a dozen or more headlines before publishing, it pays to focus on creating one for your site that is compelling.

Think about the headlines to blogs and sites that you click on to find out more. You’ll quickly notice that they are usually quite similar in terms of how the headline is framed. You’ll want to be inspired by the headlines that attract you without copying them. Also remember that even the best headline will not be enough. You need good, solid content if you want to keep the visitors coming back to your site.

Create Interesting Content

The better your content, the more you drive people to not only visit, but bookmark your site. This means writing articles, news, and pertinent information related to your online business. The key to driving free traffic is providing information that is direct, useful, and informative. You’ll want to augment what you write by adding images and even video when possible to make it even more compelling.

Some of the more common articles that draw attention are those that list products or reasons in terms of their value. A top-5 list is one of the best and easiest ways to get noticed as it not only draws in interested consumers, but also gets them to debate on your blog. You’ll want to write articles that not only draw people in but promote good conversation as well.

Publishing good content on a regular basis gets you noticed. But to get on search engine rankings such as Google, you’ll need to include keywords and key phrases people interested in your online business use.

On-Page SEO

If you believe that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is no longer relevant, you are missing out on one of the best practices for getting visitors. Far from being dead, SEO is still quite strong and easy to use. Some of the basics of on-page SEO include the following;

  • – Meta Descriptions
  • – Internal Links
  • – Effective Image Alt Text
  • – Pertinent Tags

Building your traffic organically is arguably the best way to ensure that your site keeps getting attention day after day. Plus, it does not take long to fully optimize each page on your site. So, take a little time to look over each page and augment it with the proper on-page SEO.

Use Long-Tail Keywords

Most web searches use long-tail keywords, so you should as well. Long tail keywords are the heart of your SEO efforts to get your pages properly ranked. This is because when most people type in queries, they use three, four, five words or more to be specific about what they want to see. Long tail keywords are built around that practice, so their effective incorporation will do wonders in boosting web traffic. Remember that the keywords you use need to be appropriate to your site. Plus, you’ll want to focus them properly to maximize results.

Look over your web pages and see where long tail keywords will be the most effective. Just a few changes can really boost awareness of your site without having to spend much time adding new words. Keep in mind that the long tail keywords you add should fit as naturally as possible within the content. Also remember that you do not want to engage in keyword stuffing, which is too many keywords which will cause your site to be considered spam.

Guest Blog

This is arguably the best way to go out from your site and get attention. While the previous methods are great at bringing people to your site naturally, guest blogging means that you get noticed by those who have not seen your site before. While some may consider guest blogging to be more difficult because of changing standards, writing good, solid content for another site and posting a link back to your own offers plenty of positive benefits.

Understanding how do I get free traffic to my website starts by creating a niche site that appeals to a specific group of consumers. Once you have created your platform, all you need to do is draw in the right people. Keep in mind that all the visitors in the world will not mean that they become customers unless you have good sales conversion.

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  1. I like your steps on how to get free traffic.

    Yes, free traffic is the most important and in some way the hardest part. Why?

    Because it is not easy to write about something you are not interested or boring you to tears.

    Otherwise, I have two online niches. One is my true love table tennis and the other is health.Since my niches are my passion, it’s not a big problem for me to write quality content on a daily basis because I love what I do.

    I will bookmark those great steps on how to get free traffic.

    Have a nice day,


  2. Hi Bryan H, i read through this article carefully because I am trying to improve my site to get some free traffic. I knew about some of the pointers you made, but I have not been using long tail keywords, nor have I tried to set up guest blogging (how is that set up?) I could also be more consistent with including internal links. I will be trying these and hoping to see some marked improvement. Thank you

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