Free Keyword Tool – Jaaxy

If you have content anywhere on the net, visibility is king. If people can’t see your web content, your hard work is all gone down the drain. You can’t have visibility without keywords. For most people, the go to option is Google Keyword Planner. However, it is not very user friendly. Not only can it prove difficult to use, but it does not show details about the competition, making it difficult to find low competition keywords, therefore affecting the user’s revenue stream.

Where does Jaaxy come in?


Quite simply, Jaaxy is a keyword search tool that bloggers, web content developers or internet marketers can use to search keywords. Jaaxy then returns results on how many times that keyword is being searched in a month and how many clicks you can expect if you rank on the first page of a search engine. It also lets you know how many competing websites are using that same keyword. Jaaxy has been touted as the best keyword research tool on the market right now. Try it for free now, just type in a keyword below.


Jaaxy doesn’t just search for keywords for you. For one, it gives you insight on competitors using those same keywords. This comes in handy in marketing, as no one really wants to use the same keyword as 100 other companies.

It also provides accelerated niche research. You are able to search for niche-specific keywords to attract traffic for that niche. This is made possible by Jaaxy’s Affiliate Programs Feature. It comes with affiliate programs like Clickbank and Commision Junction.

One of the best things about Jaaxy is it’s Domain Flipping feature where you can basically acquire a domain cheaply, renovate it and sell it at a profit. For a site that is supposed to be a keyword search tool, this is a pretty effective add on.



If you intend to have anything on the internet that you want people to see, then Jaaxy is for you. This means anyone, from bloggers, vloggers, academic writers, internet marketers, digital strategists, S.E.O experts or content developers.


Jaaxy comes in 3 pricing options.

-The free version where you can determine how valuable it is in 30 free searches.
-PRO Version for  $19/month or $199/year
-Enterprise Version which is ideal for big business who are all about dominating their business niche priced at  $49/month or $499/year

At $199 a year, The Pro version opens you up to a world of benefits like

  • Keywords Suggestions
  • SEO Power Score when you need it
  • SEO Competition Tool
  • Unlimited monthly domain searches
  • Keyword Quality Indicator
  • In-depth website analyzer
  • Unlimited monthly keyword searches
  • Website Competition when needed
  • Hot Trends and Topics via the brainstorm feature
  • Keyword list management
  • Keyword to Do List
  • Search History
  • Affiliate program locator

To access this powerful tool Click Here



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  1. Thanks ever so much for the Jaaxy tool 🙂 I’ve been looking for a decent keyword research tool for ages because the majority are low quality and over priced.

    Jaaxy certainly delivers a lot of features and at very reasonable costs for the memberships too. Even the $19/month option is cheaper than most tools I’ve used.

    I’m gonna start out with Jaaxy for free and then upgrade 🙂


  2. I personally use Jaaxy and I must say it is a must have tool if you have content online. I have an online business and was a little skeptical about using Jaaxy at first was not sure if it was worth the 19 dollars per month for this tool. I decided to give it a try because I was hearing nothing but great things about it and I was blown away. Jaaxy have definitely help my online business in so many different ways.

  3. I’ve been using a simple keyword research tool myself for a little while now, but it’s nowhere near as powerful as this one you’ve described. When I talk to people about looking up keywords, most of them recommend that Google one, but I’d be willing to bet that they would change their recommendation to Jaaxy if they knew about it. I’m going to try it out myself and let people know the next time they ask me about key words. Thanks!

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