5050fifty – Is it Legit?

Product Name: 5050fifty  5050fifty-com_medium
Overall ranking:  10/100
Price: $25.00
Owner’s Name: Scott Beals

Introduction to 5050Fifty

5050fifty is a mail order program that involves receiving post cards from the company and mailing them out to opportunity seekers.  When someone receives this postcard and makes the decision to join the program you would receive a commission off their membership.

This program prides itself on the ability to participate even if you don’t have a computer.  They boast of how easy it is to get started once they receive your payment all the information that you need will be mailed to the purchaser.

Pros of Using Time Freedom Rings Program

  • Pay daily and weekly by check
  • Offer low cost postcard and lead solutions to fit any budget
  • Compensation plan is simple – pay three levels deep
  • Offer shares in company bonuses
  • Has a retail site for health product
  • Receive a free 10 day supply of company health product
  • No computer ever needed
  • Offers sixty day money back guarantee


  •  The website features two parts – an introduction video they gives you a brief introduction of the program, and a page that allows you to join
  • There is no contact phone number or E-mail
  • There is no indication if the buyer has to pay for their own postage to mail out the post cards
  • Website is not professionally completed
  • Through the use of videos it seems the presenter is trying to brainwash the consumer into believing his program is guaranteed to work by offering a sixty day money back guarantee


Who is this program for?

Time Freedom Rings is for people who are looking for a program that is easy to understand.  Basically it states all you have to do is mail out postcards from the leads they send you.  It is available to people with or without a computer.

Training and tools available

There is no indications throughout the video if training would be provided or what tools would be mailed to the individual to get them started using the program.


The program offers no phone support or e-mail address.


An initial payment of $25.00.

Final Verdict

Time Freedom Rings is a complete video based presentation.  Upon entering the website you have to have a code to proceed to take you to the introduction video.  In this video the owner Scott Beals informs the potential buyer of the ease of this program, and how they are able to generate a profit simply by making a small investment and mailing out postcards to individuals names his company provides.

After the video concludes, by selecting the join now button it takes you to a “secure” page where you are able to enter your contact and credit card information to become a member.  There is no other information about this program only the information on these two web pages.

There are many red flags about this program.  The first major concern that I have is that there is no contact information anywhere listed on the two pages it features.  Also, there are no interviews or testimonies of people who actually work for them.  Also, there is no clear indication of how long it will take to generate a profit if you follow all their directions. In addition, the video does not give a clear picture of what type of training is involved in this program.

Based on all these negative warning signs I feel this program is one that is to be avoided.  If a company does not provide even simple contact information to be able to ask them questions before you invest money into their program this indicates that they don’t want you to find them when you don’t receive anything from your initial investment.

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