Product Name: Supreme Profit System supreme profit system
Overall ranking: 10/100
Price: Startup cost of $2,350
Owner’s Name: Eric Pantalone, President of WTM
WTM Publications
100 Powdermill Road, #117
Acton, MA  01720
Phone:  701-801-3294
E-mail:  wtmpubs@gmail.com
Website: supremeprofitsystem.com/285/

Introduction to Supreme Profit System

Supreme Profit System boasts of a product that delivers the ultimate wealth building plan in as little as 7 days.  It states that in as little as 7 days a person can make as much as $1,000 with very little effort.

All that is required is the person is to make a lump sum investment in the company and then they are provided postage cards that requires them to mail.  Once someone invests in the company the person who sent the postage card receives a profit.


Pros of Using Supreme Profit System

  • Promises $1,000 money orders in 7 days
  • Free postage
  • Free postcards
  • Free leads on every 5th sale
  • Ability to make $1,000 or more daily without making phone calls, sending email, or even speaking to anyone
  • No computer skills needed


  •  The website presents the viewer with a “hit in the face” approach to invest in me NOW
  • Payments are made to two separate people directly, and there is no mention how these individuals fit into the business
  • Company uses Gmail account
  • No refunds

Who is this program for?

Supreme Profit Systems is for anyone who does not have any computer skills and doesn’t want to put much effort into a get rich program that promises a fast and high rate of return.

Training and tools available

There is no mention of any type of training program.


The program offers an address, phone, and email listing:

WTM Publications
100 Powdermill Road, #117
Acton, MA  01720
Phone:  701-801-3294
E-mail:  wtmpubs@gmail.com


Startup cost of $2,350

Final Verdict

Supreme Profit System is a business that has won the worst investment program of 2017.  From the moment that I accessed their website red flags started popping up which put my consumer alert on high.

Their website is not one that is professionally done, and it showcases glaring information that scream scam artist.  The first thing that I saw was that a potential client has to make out two checks each for $1,000.  One directly to a person named Ronald Anderson and the other to Nancy Evilsizor, and the final $350.00 to WTM Publications.  There is no mention whatsoever of who these two individuals are and how they fit into the overall business structure.

The next item that bothered me was the no refund policy.  It states up front that once you invest your money that you are not guaranteed to make any type of profit.

Also, it doesn’t provide any guidance or training to the individual.  All that it indicates is that once you send in your payment, you will be sent a bunch of post cards.  It is up to you to mail them.  There is nothing that states how you are guaranteed that you will receive the profit if anyone was to sign up from these leads.

Also, there is no client testimony’s that would help prove this this is a legit money-making business.  I find similar sites with client videos that provide a more convincing case that this is an actual company that has allowed them to invest and generate an income.

Overall, I would not waste my time in even contacting the Better Business Bureau to check out this company’s rating.  I feel that this is a company that is not for the best interest of their potential investor.

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  1. Thank you for posting
    this review and the old adage again proves true ; things that sound too good to be true usually are . . .

  2. Thank you so much for this candid and get real review. I was very skeptical, good to know I can still trust in my own instincts!

  3. This program BAD…. my program GOOD.
    You take the same approach to selling as SPS does …

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