AuAgMetals.Club REVIEW -Does It Really Work?

Product Name: AuAgMetals.Club
Overall ranking: 20/100
Price: Starter Membership ($20)
Silver X-Lite Membership ($50)
Silver Lite Membership ($100)
Silver Membership ($200)
Gold Membership ($500)
Platinum Membership ($1,000)
Palladium Membership ($2,500)
Owner’s Name: BJ Patterson
Website: http://bhough.mylastbizopp.com/


Introduction to AuAgMetals.Club

AuAgMetals.Club boosts of showing potential clients how to earn in their “Creating Entrepreneurs the Clever Way” System. By offering some of the best products in the sales industry not to mention an incredible chance to earn precious metals, vacation certificates, all in their state-of-the-art Customer Retention Management (CRM) system.

The company was founded by 100% disabled Combat Veteran BJ Patterson who served 28 years in the United States Army. He has eleven years in business and development. Twenty-five years in direct selling and eleven years in online Customer Retention Management (CRM).

A portion of the company’s profits is used toward this new “Veteran’s Program” that is exclusively for any honorable discharged veteran.

There are many different levels a potential investor can select to invest into to the program. The program is available in 43 countries, and provides a weekly paycheck on Friday.

Pros of Using AuAgMetals.Club

  • Paid on a weekly basis
  • Available to 43 countries
  • Earn vacation certificates for each five sales
  • Get paid in precious metals and commission
  • Founded by a 100% disabled Combat Veteran
  • Earn vacation certificates to places across the world
  • 100% commission fee business
  • 3-day money back guarantee
  • Receive a portion of sales in precious metals and coins as payment
  • Travel – receive a complimentary vacation for every 5 sales made
  • Portion of sales will be donated to disabled Veterans


  • No contact information of owner
  • No proof the owner is a disabled Veteran
  • Unprofessional website, background beach waves
  • Unprofessional video, example dogs barking in background, speaker voice is not clear
  • Website address and business name do not match
  • Facebook page was created in January 2017, this company was projected as being in business longer than what the website claims

Who is this program for?

AuAgMetals.Club is for anyone who brave enough to take a chance in investing their money in a company that has no clear logic of what type of product they will be selling.

Training and tools available

From the videos that were viewed AuAgMetals.Club does not provide any information on the types of training and tools that are available to investors.


There is no support listed.


Starter Membership ($20)
Silver X-Lite Membership ($50)
Silver Lite Membership ($100)
Silver Membership ($200)
Gold Membership ($500)
Platinum Membership ($1,000)
Palladium Membership ($2,500)

Final Verdict

AuAgMetals.Club tries to win over potential investors by convincing them their money is being used to help support Veterans. Its founder, BJ Patterson is listed as a disabled Army Combat Veteran.

Over half of the video is devoted to the different type of membership levels that each person can select from. The all boost of being paid on a weekly basis, and also have the chance to earn vacations with five sales.

There are several red flags that were hard to miss as I reviewed this site. The first one was the website name did not match the product name. The second was how unprofessional the website was created. The third was the low quality of video that I viewed. At one instance, I saw in the right-hand corner a person in a white sleeveless t-shirt sitting in a recliner doing the commentary. It looked as though it was filmed in someone’s living room. At the start of the one section I could hear dogs barking in the background. The speaker tried to convince the listener that this was how comfortable working for this company could be by relaxing in the comfort of one’s homes.

Another disturbing fact I found was that there is no contact information. Nor is there any mention of what type of product you would be selling or how many hours it would take in a week to manage. Or if there would be any type of training available to the buyer.

The most disturbing red flag was when I blew up BJ Patterson’s picture. He stated that he had served twenty-five years in the Army and was 100% disabled. The picture I viewed of a gentleman who looked to be no more than twenty-five years old. There was no indication of what his disability was or how he had obtained it in his military career.

In my professional opinion, I feel that Mr. Patterson is trying to sell an unknown product on the pretense that it would be a good idea to invest with a disabled veteran. The only positive thing I found was that there was a 3-day money back guarantee, but with no email or telephone number to reach out and cancel your membership I don’t see how beneficial that option would be to the buyer.

In my opinion I would stay away from this opportunity.  Looking for a 100% legit opportunity you can start for free?  Read this review.


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  1. Hi,

    thanks for checking out this product and sharing it with us.  It doesn’t sound genuine at all, it sounds like they have rushed all aspects of it to get it out and hope someone falls for the disabled veteran line.

    Looks more like an MLM or pyramid scheme, hoping you will move up the ranks.

    thanks again for flagging this product


  2. If I may say, the best way to avoid internet scam is not to be in a hurry or desperate to get money. You have to calm yourself down and take enough time to review the products most especially when the products promises high profit range with little or know work. Not just that, most of them have unknown owners with convincing videos and proof of success from fake members. Just take time out to review them before you join any.

  3. Great review.

    All I can say is wow! I visited the website and have to agree with you that it didn’t look very professional at all. In fact, it’s basically just a landing page and not a very good one at that. I’m not really sure how they would attract any customers with this.

    The videos are awful as well – if they were making as much money as they claim you would think they could afford a decent website and less corny videos.

    Completely agree with your verdict – stay away.

  4. This is certainly a NO NO for me. I have made it a point to only invest in businesses I know how they operate. AuAgMetals seems like a company with no clear cut vision or strategy. Only a gullible person would fall for such a scam. I have seen many similar programs with a dot club domain and they all seem to have one thing in common- They are all scams. My advice to anyone looking for a legit opportunity is Stay away from AuAgMetals. You will end up losing all your money. With no support to turn to, how do you recoup your investment. This is 2019, invest smartly.

  5. Thank you for this review, author. I am a serial risk taker that loves to invest invest. But i really need you to shed more light on Auagmetals club for me. As you said in te review that it’s only available in 43countries. How can i know my country (Nigeria) is included in this programme?

    I’m glad to have stumble to this article. Thumbs up to you, author

  6. Hello – thank you for providing this review of AuAgMetals.Club.  I had not heard of this before, but will steer clear of it now.  There seems to be some inconsistencies and mysteries with this business.  Like, who the founder is, How long have they been in business, and what are they even selling?  If you don’t get a good first impression, then it probably isn’t something you should persue.

    Thank you for this information,


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