How to Build Your Website for Free

Everyone starts their online business the same way, by building a website. While many will spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to hire web designers to create a site, you can achieve excellent results for a fraction of the cost when you learn how to build your website for free.

Creating a Free Website

Before you start building your website, you’ll need to know what products or services you want to offer your customers. This means doing research so you can find what you are comfortable with selling and how others in your niche are performing. Proper research is the key to running a successful online business, so be sure that you know what you want to do and how others are doing before you start.

Now that you know what you want, the next step is finding a hosting site that offers reasonable rates. While you can build a website for free in many places, you are still going to be charged by the month for having the site available on the internet.

One place to build your website is Wealthy Affiliate. They have the hosting requirements and tools needed for you to get started. This means that your website can be constructed for free all thanks to what Wealthy Affiliate offers you. Plus, you’ll gain access to the many products which have proven to be top-sellers on the web.

Elements of Website Building

You will have to pull together different elements to create your website, starting with the right software for construction. You can use Joomla, but WordPress is generally better if you have never built a site before. WordPress does not require knowledge of codes and can be easily modified so that you can make changes as you go.

You’ll need to put in your business name, email address, logo, and have some high-quality images to bolster the appearance of your site. Other elements include the following;

Template: This is the background image that will appear on all the web pages on your site. The good news is that there are many thousands of templates available for free to download, so you can choose the one that best reflects your online business. Keep in mind that many templates can be customized so you can make changes that better represents what your business is all about.

If in doubt, keep the changes to a minimum and simply look for a template that is right for you. Choose one that fits your industry, but is not used by other, major websites if you can. If you use one that is the same, make a few changes so that it stands out.

Color: Another important aspect in how to build your website for free is selecting the right color scheme. Here, you want to strike the right balance of standing out from the competition, but you do not want the colors to be garish or out-of-place for your industry. Basically, you want your website to feel like it belongs to the industry in which you are selling products or services, but stand out enough so that it is instantly recognizable.

Do a little research on the most popular online businesses in your industry and then select a color scheme that offers a similar color pattern, but uses lighter or darker shades. That way, you can attract attention while still appearing that your business belongs in the industry.

Font or Lettering: The text information that you place on your website needs to be attractive and straightforward in nature. This means that you will have to choose the proper size, color, and font so that your website is easy to read and appears natural. There is the temptation to use garish colors or unusual fonts with the intention of standing out from other sites in your industry. Avoid that temptation as it only draws attention to the wrong aspects of your website.

Instead, you should choose a font and color that is easy to read on both large and small screens. Using industry standards is encouraged in your selection of fonts or lettering because you want to ease the potential customer into your site, not distract them with unusual colors or outrageous fonts.

Other Elements to Building Your Website

Once you have the basics down, there are a few tips that will help you create a more efficient site so that it promotes your business.

Reduce Images: This will increase download speeds which create a better impression
Put Contact Information on All Pages
Make Checkout Easy: Do not complicate the purchasing process, make it simple
Modify for SEO: Make your site friendly for search engine optimization
Focus on Navigation: The easier your site is to navigate, the more sales you will make

Not enough can be said about making your site being easy to navigate as building customer confidence is vital to making sales. This is especially true for your checkout as customers should feel at ease when making their purchases. By keeping your contact information on all pages along with the menu bar, you are not only building up confidence, but also your business brand.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the most popular, passive form of marketing on the web. Effective SEO brings customers to you through search engines, so you’ll want to make your site as SEO friendly as possible. Later, when you add content, you’ll want to be sure it contains good, solid information and the proper keywords for SEO marketing. In addition, you will want to use a responsive web design so that your site will be easily seen on computers, laptops, and mobile devices.

Using Wealthy Affiliate you can learn how to build your website for free and cash in on the many different products that have proven to be popular with customers. If you are looking to kick start your online business, building a website using Wealthy Affiliate provides you with the path to success. You can start today and discover a world of possibilities that will help you find financial independence.

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  1. Hi, thanks for outlining how to build a free website! I think WordPress is a good option and a very easy one to use. And having Wealthy Affiliate as the hosting site is even better.

    Wealthy Affiiliate is a great site to teach the skills to successfully build your own website and be a successful online marketer.


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