Product Name:  Postcard Networker     Postcard Networker
Overall ranking:  80/100
Price:  Free membership
Owner’s Name:   Kristen & Joel Broughton
Sponsor Name:   Scott Bannon
(352) 514-5295
E-mail:  cscottbannon@hotmail.com
Website:   postcardnetworker.biz/

Introduction to Post Card Networker

Postcard Networker is a network marketing company that sells postcards, leads, and online marketing training system.

Their customers have the option of becoming affiliate members where they can earn commissions by referring customers to products and services.

Many members earn income by selling other company’s products to customers that they attract using the postcard network marking postcards and online system.

What is Post Card Networker Affiliate?

The affiliate program can be purchased at a cost of $9.95 per month.

Pros of Using Post Card Networker

  • Free postcards
  • Free website
  • Free membership
  • Enhanced website dashboard
  • Free online advertising banners
  • Ability to add business link
  • Receive real life sales tools via dashboard

Postcard Networker Review


  • In order to receive training, you must be an Elite and Elite Plus member
  • Upgrades such as YouTube advertising seem very expensive

Who is this program for?

The Post Card Networker is for individuals that want to invest in a program that projects a strong worker loyalty.  It offers high tech online tools to track commission and receive training.

Training and tools available

From the sponsors dashboard, I discovered training was only available to Elite and Elite Plus members.

There is another section that states that weekly training is offered by phone or online.  Below is the information:

Weekly Training

10:00am EST

Dial in:
Access code: 200849


Sponsor Name:    Scott Bannon

(352) 514-5295

E-mail:  cscottbannon@hotmail.com


Free membership to access the website with a sponsor code.

In our Postcard Networker marketing system, they offer several options for getting postcards.

  1. You can purchase Postcards as a one-time order any time you wish.
  2. You can purchase Postcards on an auto ship monthly (so you never forget).
  3. You can purchase the Elite or Elite Plus Package (monthly) which qualifies you to 5 levels of pay.

There is no price listed for Elite or Elite plus membership Cost of postcards.

There are also gig upgrades such as YouTube advertising.

Final Verdict

From first accessing the website of Post Card Networker I was presented with a very professional image that boasts of the ability to have freedom, abundance, and prosperity.  The website is expertly done and gives the viewer the idea that this is a professional and reputable company.

Another high note is that it offers a video testimony of employees that provide their own testimonies of their success with the program.  By offering a variety of success stories, this provides a very solid and reliable company.

Once I accessed the member area I learned that I had been assigned a sponsor with his name, email, and phone number.  This gave me great hope that I was working with a professional company that would allow me to generate extra income.

This site is one that I feel is legit, for it is obvious that the owner has taken a lot of time and effort in establishing this company.

For more information please visit Postcard Networker

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  1. It looks great the fact you are able to join for free however it would be nice to know the different price points as well. What makes it quite legit is the fact the owners can be contacted via phone or email and make their information easily accessible so that is good to see. Seems like quite an interesting affiliate program and for 9.95 a relatively cheap one! Thanks for your review on this.

  2. Hello Bryan!

    Is this a new website? I have never heard of POSTCARD NETWORKER since now, but it seems like an interesting idea. It’s very affordable at only 10$ per month, but I don’t exactly get the way you can make money from it. Do you sell postcards of other sellers and you get a commission?

  3. I’m also with postcard network and it is amazing. The compensation plan and benefits of getting free postcards and stamps is AMAZING, You don’t even have to spend your own money eventually. You definitely can make this a full time job and turn it into residual income.

    If you would like more information, you can visit my website or send me an email with any questions you may have.

  4. Hey Bryan:

    I am just starting to explore different ways to start an online business. After recently being laid off, I decided to go in a different direction and not work for someone else. Quite honestly, this is a business I never heard of but I am glad I found your website. There are so many ways to get in to the online business and I want to explore as many as I can. Thanks for introducing this company to me and I’ll look at it in more detail. Take care and best to you.


    • Thank you Mike,

      Postcard Networker is truly a unique opportunity to make a full time living in a relatively short period of time.  I hope you take a closer look and good luck in your future endeavors whatever they may be.

  5. Hi . Is this business currently operating in Ireland. If so, can you give me contact details and if not, would it be difficult to set up same .Thanks, Tom- Dublin.

    • I’m not sure if it is running in Ireland or not, however I don’t see a problem getting it started there if it isn’t. Please contact customer support to get a final answer.

  6. I have tried so many companies and wasted my money now that I found this I am really thinking about doing this but I am to the point that I must pay 19.95 and I am ok making an investment but if I am making an investment I also want to make money from and hopefully more than what I have to pay out can somebody please explain to me what are the actual costs and on average if don’t on a regular basis what is the average income and what are the price points for the different levels

  7. sounds interesting, but I do not quite understand how the system works? You write that it is a company that sells postcards and online marketing training – how does that work?

    And how is it possible to make money that way – by selling postcards to others or what is the method?


    • Thanks for your comment.  It is not a company that sells postcards, not sure how you got that.  It is a marketing company that uses postcards as one of there methods to advertise.

  8. It’s just like all the rest, the owner makes the money well others pray they will get there at an insane cost per month especially being disabled. There is NO guarantee of any income period. Just like others, u buy cards mail them out and Pray someone will join, so u can make a profit. Do u know what 200 post cards cost to mail out, I do $100.00, and u keep mailing them weekly that’s $400.00 a month. Insane.

  9. Hi, I’m Don Ahlstedt. I am interested in some more information about your company or business. Sounds like a great opportunity, something that I would like to do and been trying to do. I knew and worked with Dr. Dick. He was a great Guy, and he will be so very much. I was in the process of getting back to working with him. I run across your Names and business with some of the interviews that Dr. Dick did. Pleaseeee give me a call at 913-209-9255. I need to get in a good legitimate home business mailing post cards or flyers. If Dr. Dick says you are good and legit and he worked with you then that is good enough for me. I look forward to talking you soon as possible. Thank You.

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