Super Affiliate System Review – Is It Worth 4 Figures?

Product Name: How to Earn a 7-Figure Side-Income
Overall ranking: 2
Price: $997.00 – 30-day money back guarantee
Owner’s Name: John Crestani

Pendragon Labs, LLC.
929 Colorado Ave.
Suite K
Santa Monica, CA 90061
United States

Website: http://imjetset.com/index

Introduction to Super Affiliate System

Super Affiliate System is owned by John Crestani. He introduces his program by providing an in-depth webinar that describes his seven-figure income program. He also states that the program will allow anyone to have a four-hour work week.

The webinar introduces the program that revolves around using click link marketing techniques to generate a high rate of income. He reveals the program has been endorsed by names such as Forbes, Business Insider, and Yahoo Finance.

There is an opportunity for a select few to become an affiliate with the program. The webinar opens up with a larger variety of people who are featured testimony’s that confirm by investing in this program they were able to achieve a seven-figure income.

Super Affiliate System Review

What is Super Affiliate System Affiliate Program?

John Crestani stresses that only the most proactive members are selected to become affiliated with his program. These special members are hand chosen by himself because he only wants people who are serious to be committed with their time and effort to succeed in all this program offers.

The Super Affiliate System is a 6-week program with the sole goal of creating an affiliate marketing business and getting it profitable in as short of time as possible with step-by-step proven methods taught by online marketing experts making at least $100,000 a MONTH in revenue.

Upon purchase, you will get immediate access to the entire program which will begin by showing you in a step-by-step format to pick your first product offers without hard costs, setup a presell page, and use super cheap Facebook advertising to get customers.

The program will then focus on how to scale these advertising campaigns as fast as possible and build a full-fledged empire.

Pros of Using Super Affiliate System

  • $200 bonus for attending webinar
  • Weekly Mentorship Emails
  • Student Discussion Forum Access
  • Affiliate Network Membership
  • 10 Ready-to-Launch Campaigns
  • 8 Hours of One-on-One Training with One of John’s Disciples
  • Access to John’s Tool Kit
  • Affiliate Network Setup and Integration
  • Weekly Insider Tips from John


  • The webinar is over 1.5 hours long which presents a mind blogging approach to invest in this product
  • The presenter is not professionally dressed
  • The webinar features people who were never seen in the chat room
  • Webinar was misleading, for it supposedly had 449 people in attendance, but I was the only one on the chat board
  • The webinar was videotaped prior to watching, for the presenter never acknowledge the questions asked
  • There was a false indication that people in the imaginary audience was purchasing the product by the green indication light showing their name and stating they had made an investment

Training and tools available

The following features are available to members based on investing in this program:

  • Online contact form
  • Mailing address
  • E-mail address


The program offers a contact me website page and also the owners name and mailing address which consists of:

John Crestani
Pendragon Labs, LLC.
929 Colorado Ave.
Suite K
Santa Monica, CA 90061


  • $997.00
  • 30-day money back guarantee

Final Verdict

John Crestani is the owner of Super Affiliate System. In the past four years, he has invested $100,000 in perfecting his system. The way he introduces the concept of his program is by using a webinar to introduce his business. The overall concept revolves around internet click links and videos.

He opens the webinar up with a large list of his potential clients who have achieved the dream of earning a seven-figure income. He then goes into explaining how it requires very little investment of time or effort of the potential investor. He stresses that everything in this program is done for the purchaser. There is no specialized skill or training required to achieve results in this program. The webinar is approximately 1.5 hours long. I found it to be a mind-numbing process that tried to lure the viewer into investing quickly.

I felt there were sections in the seminar that was false advertising. One of the red flags that came to light was how the viewer was in a chat room with over 449 other people. Strangely, I was the only person who was able to chat in this room. Also, the presenter, John Crestani never acknowledged any of my questions or made reference that I was even there. This was a huge indicator that the video had been pre-staged.

Another false effect was that at the end of the program when the price was announced, it showed that people in the “audience” began to invest in the program. Mr. Crestani even heightened the purchase cause by promising free bonuses to the top five purchasers. I felt this high bid approach was a false effect that wanted the viewer to click the purchase button to ensure they were one of the five people who received all the “free” bonuses.

In addition, I felt that Mr. Crestani did not present himself as a business person. From his dress to his mannerisms he did not present a person as someone who was a millionaire. Also, I questioned if he was so successful why was he doing his own video?

I also was very concerned at this high price of the investment. I felt that there was no clear sign of what type of work was involved in the program. Even though the program offered a 30-day money back guarantee, I couldn’t find any clear link on how a person was to go about receiving that refund.

Overall, I feel this program is a high gloss attempt at introducing a product that has very little substance. The seminar was a mind altering approach of the owner to try to persuade the potential investor in buying into his program. I also tried to do research on this company and found they are not listed with the Better Business Bureau. With such startling negative facts, I could not recommend this program as one that is worth the investment.

Success in any endeavor takes time and requires hard work, there simply are no recipes for getting rich quick. If you truly are looking for a legitimate affiliate marketing business that does not promise riches overnight, but is a proven model for success than read this review.

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  1. If indeed the Super Affiliate System is a 6-week program with the sole goal of creating an affiliate marketing business and getting it profitable in as short of time as possible why oh why weren’t others chiming in with their amazing results during the webinar??? Did he ever say who the marketing experts were or what their credentials were??  And I agree with you, someone making over $100,000 a MONTH in revenue (which he obviously must be making much more, right?) would either have a professionally made webinar or at least be dressed and conduct himself in a professional manner.  Thanks for alerting us to this trickster!  There is no magic bullet!   All the best!  SharonRPh

  2. Very interesting blog.  You put the Pros and Cons of joining this website.  I liked that you are showing how to avoid being scammed on the internet.  Which is great since so many people fall for the scams and losing alot of money.  These blogs showing the scams are great.  Anytime I see something for work from home I look the company up on Google to see if it is a scam, unfortunately most of the time it is a scam.  Great job.

  3. Hi, great to get confirmed once more that my choice of online marketing learning platform was right.

    From your review I don’t clearly understand if a member gets a real website with the price and what the products are that are being sold.

    If only a selected few get admission for selling the super affiliate system as an affiliate what do the others sell?

    I also think the starter price is totally too high. You don’t even mention a free trial for this almost $1000 product. 

    The program I work with is for free to try, let’s you build a free website to check out and then there is a monthly plan for only $49 a month and the first month would be even only $19.00.

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