Top Affiliate Products to Promote – Choose Wisely

There is an old saying about being successful in business, “do not sell products, find products that sell”. In other words, to be successful you need to find the right products which people want at an affordable price. For those who are getting into affiliate marketing, finding the right product is essential to their success.

Top Affiliate Products to Promote

What follows are the top affiliate products to promote, especially if you are just starting out. Keep in mind that the most successful affiliate marketers are those who find a niche that is in high-demand, become authorities in that part of the industry, and offer products which appeal to those who visit your site.

What you will see are companies that offer affiliate products across a spectrum of choices that have proven to be considerably successful over the past decade.


Few can argue with the emphasis that Amazon has placed on affiliate marketing by creating a simple, straightforward system that provides proven products, a secure purchasing system, and an excellent reputation for service. It’s little wonder that Amazon is far and away the most popular company that offers affiliate marketers an important place in their sales force.

Some of their more successful products are electronic devices, which offer a good commission rate while being quite popular. However, it’s possible to create a successful niche with the many different products they offer. If there is a negative about Amazon, it is that they are too popular and perhaps too well-known which combined with relatively low commission percentages means that you have to sell a lot to earn a lot.


With digital products being so popular, Avantgate may be the best suited for affiliate marketers to make real money on sales. With over 22,000 software products, it’s hard not to go wrong with what they have to offer. The high-percentage commissions are quite attractive along with the fast payments. Plus, the selection can be adjusted to emphasize any current trends in digital software.

It’s one downside is they avoid physical products, which may be limiting even in a digital market that has been heading towards downloadable software for the past several years. Still, Avantgate is an excellent company which offers the top affiliate products to promote in the digital field.

CJ Affiliate

Owned by Conversant, CJ Affiliate is well-known as one of the best affiliate marketing sources on the internet. With their long history, focus on exceptional products, and user-friendly approach, this makes them a great source for the top affiliate products to promote. One aspect that is quite exceptional is their CJ Performer Program which offers the potential to earn $10,000 per month.

CJ Affiliate

The best products for you to start are the ones emphasized by the company itself, given that it has a worldwide network. This means that you can build your affiliate marketing efforts from the start. Given that it is free to sign up when starting with the company, that is just an added incentive to go with CJ Affiliate.


Perhaps the most recognizable company associated with affiliate marketing outside of Amazon, Clickbank has earned a powerful reputation over the years for being one of the most user-friendly. The products they offer have high commission earning, they provide sales assistance in the form of guidelines and helpful tips, and you do not have to build your own website to sell the products.

Currently strong products include those in specialty areas, such as solar panels and the like. Another good aspect of Clickbank is that those who are successful receive valuable data to help them better plan their marketing efforts.

eBay Partner Network

For those who are just starting out with affiliate marketing, this may be a tempting place to find the right products. eBay has been one of the most recognizable sources of products for over two decades thanks to their highly successful auction platform. The affiliate marketing platform is quite similar to Amazon’s, which makes it familiar and solid.

The good news is that you can see what products are really selling the most, so you can take advantage immediately. Admittedly, there are a few downsides, most notably the smaller commissions and that you get paid monthly as opposed to more frequently as is the case with several other companies. Still, it is a great option if you want to diversify the products you sell.

eBay Partner Network


You may not have heard of this company, despite their over 12,000 programs in the affiliate market. This is because the products and services they offer are more specialized, but they do emphasis what sells. The focus of this company is more on proven sellers, such as automotive, education, sports, travel, legal services, and more. So, while FlexOffers avoids the fads, they do emphasize items and services that have proven sales.

Positives include publishers that offer on-call support and a simple, straightforward dashboard, so you can track your account. If you decide that your niche should emphasize proven service over time, then FlexOffers may be the right choice for you.


This company is focused mostly on digital products, which makes them an excellent starting point for affiliate marketers who want high-demand items. It also helps that their web design is easy to navigate, and they offer teaching guides, tips, and guidelines for those who are just starting out. What really helps separate JVZoo from the competition is that they provide statistics and real-time tracking of what you sell, the tools and training to help improve your internet savvy, and the high commissions which in some cases reaches 100%.

It’s obvious that the digital products offered by JVZoo are some of the best that you can offer for your online business. This makes it far easier to develop your niche by selling the right products.

The truth is, the top affiliate products to promote are those that have a special appeal to the niche market that you address. While it is true that you can build your success in virtually any niche in which products are involved, you are one step ahead when you first identify the products that sell and build your niche around them.

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  1. I’m in the affiliate business too. So far I’m only being engaged with Amazon and CJ Affiliates. I’m really happy that I came through this article. Because after reading through this article I found lots and lots of affiliate program I didn’t even know about. 

    I’m going to try some of them now. Thank you so much for this article so informative!

  2. I must thank you for revealing all these affiliate networks because I was using only Amazon and Clickbank. Amazon is great but I think that Clickbank have so many products that are some sort of scam. I totally forget about CJ affiliate and I see that is is a good affiliate network, I will try it for sure.

  3. Very important review. In this world of technology many people think that they can succeed through online.The problem which is so complicated is that to know the best affiliate marketing company to work with.It is good that with this review many people can choose themselves which affiliate product to promote and in return brings money .

    That’s really important review.

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